Welcome to Cooperative AI Lab website! Our research aim is to enable machines to exhibit cooperative and safe behavior in intelligent decision making tasks. To this end, we work on multi-agent cooperation, human-AI coordination, and scalable alignment, which includes human value learning, safety, and ethics.

Active openings

PostDoc Position: One PostDoc position available in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning and Foundation Models. Feel free to get in touch if you are interested.
PhD Positions: We are constantly looking for highly motivated students to join our lab. Interested applicants, please contact yali.du@kcl.ac.uk.


27 Sep 2024

Our project on Discipline hop for high-fidelity, high-generalisation models of human behaviour is funded by EPSRC, paternering with Matteo Leonetti (KCL) and Gustav Markkula from University of Leeds.

26 Sep 2024

Five papers are accepted to NeurIPS 2025! We explored RL for cooperative games and LLMs for werewolves, football, human instruction following!

6 Sep 2024

Exciting news! Nature Machine Intelligence has featured our work on decentralized multi-agent reinforcement learning for large-scale networked control, on cracking the scaling challenge of MARL. Welcome to check it out here!

1 Sep 2024

Exciting news! Our review on safe RL entitled A review of safe reinforcement learning: Methods, theory and applications has been accepted to IEEE TPAMI. Congrats to Shangding! Read the preprint here!

2 May 2024

One paper is accepted to ICML 2024. We explore Zero-shot Cross-task Preference Alignment for Robotic Manipulation. Earlier version appears on NeurIPS 2023 workshop on Optimal Transport.

27 Mar 2024

Yali Du has been invited to serve as an Area Chair for NeurIPS 2024.

01 Mar 2024

Yali Du has joined the NeurIPS organizing committee as a Communications Chair for NeurIPS 2024.

01 Mar 2024

Yali Du is appointed as a Turing Fellow at The Alan Turing Institute.

06 Feb 2024

One PostDoc position available in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning and Foundation Models. Deadline: 12 Mar 2024. Please apply here.

01 Jan 2024

Yali Du received support from EPSRC grant on (Exploring Causality in Reinforcement Learning for Robust Decision Making). One postdoc position is to be filled. Please get in touch if you are interested.

23 Dec 2023

Yali Du has sat on the UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology(POST) board for Artificial Intelligence, contributing to a Government briefing document which helps to define how AI can be used, how AI works, and discusses concerns and perceptions surrounding AI.

20 Dec 2023

Two papers are accepted to AAMAS 2024. We explore safe RL from human natural language constraints and selfishness level of Markov games. Congrats to Xingzhou and Stefan!

10 Dec 2023

Three papers are accepted to AAAI 2024. We explore spatial-temporal credit assignment/ morality aware agent/multi-agent policy gradient. More details will be shared soon!

8 Dec 2023

We are excited to announce the completion of A Review on Cooperative Multi-agent Learning in collaboration with DeepMind. Comments and feedback are welcomed!

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